ASPCA Policy and Position Statements

An Overview of ASPCA Programs and Activities 

0.1 History

ASPCA Origin, Vision, Mission and Guiding Principles 

1.1 Origins of the ASPCA
1.2 Vision
1.3 Mission
1.4 Guiding Principles
1.5 Overview of Policies and Positions

Companion Animals 

Pet-Keeping Policies 

2.1 Human/Companion Animal Bond
2.2 Definition of Companion Animal
2.3 Species Suitable to be Companion Animals
2.4 Definition of Responsible Guardian
2.5 Sources of Companion Animals
2.6 Criteria for Responsible Care
2.7 Obeying Local Laws
2.8 Life-long Care
2.9 Pets in Classrooms
2.10 Hoarding

Service Animal Policies 

2.11 General Considerations
2.12 Animal-Assisted Interventions
2.13 Service, Assistance and Emotional Support Animals

Policies on Pet Overpopulation Issues 

2.14 Companion Animal Birth Control
2.15 Pre-Adoption and Early-Age Sterilization
2.16 Spay/Neuter Programs
2.17 Laws That Limit or Prohibit Pets
2.18 Euthanasia
2.19 Animal Relocation for Adoption
2.20 Pound Seizure
2.21 No-Kill Community Coalitions
2.22 Asilomar Accords

Policies on Dangerous Dogs 

2.23 Dangerous Dog Laws
2.24 Breed-Specific Legislation
2.25 Breed Profiling by Insurance Companies
2.26 The Use of Force by Law Enforcement

Farm Animals 

3.1 General Considerations
3.2 Confinement, Outdoor Access, Space & Enrichment
3.3 Genetics and Breeding
3.4 Physical Alterations
3.5 Handling and Worker Training
3.6 Transport
3.7 Slaughter
3.8 Antibiotics and Other Antimicrobials
3.9 Force Feeding and Starvation
3.10 Downed Animals
3.11 Cellular Agriculture
3.12 Conclusion

Animals in Research and Education 

Animals in Research 

4.1 General Considerations
4.2 Using Animals to Test Household Products and Cosmetics
4.3 Using Animals to Develop Medical Treatments
4.4 Using Animal Organs for Transplantation into Other Animals
4.6 Using Animals in Scientific Applications

Animals in Education 

4.7 General Considerations
4.8 Dissection
4.9 Veterinary Medical Education
4.10 Students Who Object on Ethical Grounds

Animals in Entertainment, Sports and Work 

Animals in Entertainment 

5.1 General Considerations
5.2 Circuses and Traveling Shows
5.3 Roadside Zoos
5.4 Rodeo
5.5 Marine Mammal Shows
5.6 Animal Acts and Contests
5.7 Animal Actors
5.8 Racing
5.9 Fighting
5.10 Bestiality

Animals in Sport and Recreation 

5.11 General Considerations
5.12 Dog Parks
5.13 Shows and Exhibitions

Working Animals 

5.14 General Considerations
5.15 Guard Dogs
5.16 Working Dogs and Horses
5.17 Carriage Horses
5.18 Consumption of Horsemeat 
5.19 Law Enforcement Animals
5.20 Military Animals

Wild Animals 

6.1 Wild Horses and Burros
6.2 Hunting
6.3 Canned & Computer Hunting
6.4 Leg-Hold and Body-Gripping Traps
6.5 Rodent Control
6.6 Wildlife Roundups
6.7 Fur
6.8 Wild Animals as Pets
6.9 Animal Parts
6.10 Hides, Skins and Feathers
6.11 Farming Wildlife for Food
6.12 Use of Animals for Religious Purposes or Rituals
6.13 Zoos

Position Statements 

Alternative Methods of Birth Control
Animal Abuser Registries
Animal Relocation for Adoption
Asilomar Accords: Definitions
Behavioral Pharmacology (Use in Shelters and Rescues)
Birds as Pets
Breed-Specific Bans
Breed-Specific Legislation
Community Cats
Criteria for Responsible Breeding
Dangerous Dog Laws
Data Collection & Reporting
Declawing Cats
Dog Chews/Treats
Elective (Cosmetic) Surgery
Exotic Animals as Pets
Hybrids as Pets
Keeping Pets and People Together
Law Enforcement Response to Potentially Dangerous Dogs
Mandatory Spay/Neuter Laws
Pound Seizure
Pet Cloning
Pet Identification
Pets as Gifts
Pit Bulls
Protection of Animal Cruelty Victims
Reporting of Suspected Animal Cruelty by Licensed Veterinary Professionals
Responsibilities of Animal Shelters
Shelter Dog Behavior Assessments
Surgical Procedures for Resolving Undesirable Behavior
Training Aids and Methods
Veterinary Telemedicine
Zoos and Aquariums

puppies behind fence