
5 years

A shy cat and an outgoing cat—that’s what makes Kuro and Fox such a great pair! The more outgoing of the two, Fox has no qualms about making friends with anyone who crosses his path. As soon as you enter the room, Fox is at your feet asking you to play! There may never have been a cat who’s more playful than Fox. Whether you’ve got a wand toy, a laser light or anything else that can be batted around or chased, Fox is sure to have a good time! Sometimes he even likes to try and steal the toys away from his best friend Kuro. Fox loves being pet and willingly asks for scratches any chance he gets. According to his previous family, Fox enjoys cuddling up in soft blankets—both on his own, with Kuro or with his owners in bed! He also has an amazing purr that he would love to let you hear.

Fox and Kuro love each other more than anything, so they must go home together. Because Kuro is a sensitive boy, they’re looking for an adopter who understands that Kuro will need time and confinement to adjust to a new home, and that he may always be a little shy—especially around guests. Small kids would probably be too rowdy for this pair, so they would prefer a home with teens and up. If you’d like to make Kuro and Fox yours, please fill out our Cat Adoption Survey.

