We Can’t Help but Fall in Love with Vickie! And We Know You Will Too!

October 3, 2022


Meet Vickie! This Columbus, Ohio-native is a young, high-energy girl looking for love and adventure! She would make an awesome running or hiking partner and because of her love of water, she’d probably excel at a sport like dock diving. 

Vickie brings the party with her wherever she goes and her enthusiasm for fun is infectious! She loves a rousing game of fetch or just splashing around in her kiddie pool at the Cruelty Recovery Center (CRC). She can’t wait to be adopted and find her full-time partner-in-fun! 

Vickie can come on strong when meeting dog friends (she really goes into everything with 110%!) and does best with male dogs. Our CRC staff would be happy to do a meet-and-greet with any potential canine roommates to make sure they are a good match. 

Vickie would do best in an active home that will continue working on her training. She’s a smart pup willing to learn all the things! Vickie is a goofy gal who is sure to bring her adopter not only love and fun, but lots of laughter as well!

Does Vickie sound like the perfect addition to your family?

If you live in the Columbus, Ohio area, email crc.foster@aspca.org to submit an application or apply here!
