Calling All Horse Lovers: Join Our Team!
Want to make a difference for horses? The ASPCA’s Horse Action Team (HAT) is a squad of volunteers who work closely with the ASPCA’s Legislative Engagement staff and other equine advocates to help promote and support horse-protection legislation—we want you to join the team!
HAT members take their advocacy work one step further by working within their local communities to share information on equine welfare, meet with their elected officials, and reach out to local publications with the goal of raising awareness of the threats facing horses and helping make our nation a safer place for them.
Since HAT started in 2015, its members have worked tirelessly to prevent the resurrection of horse slaughter plants on American soil (by ensuring the passage of the Funding Limitation Amendment) and advocating for a humane management plan for our nation’s wild horse population. Right now, we are asking HAT members to build cosponsorship for the SAFE Act, legislation that would permanently ban horse slaughter for human consumption in our country and, just as importantly, end the shipment of horses across our borders for that purpose.
We are proud to report that we now have 215 cosponsors, which is nearly a majority of the entire U.S. House of Representatives. That milestone is the result of dedicated HAT members’ countless legislator meetings, social media and phone outreach, and numerous letters to their local newspapers. The steady climb to 218, the majority required for passage in the House, is a crucial goal we hope to achieve in coming weeks—with your help.
To build on this momentum for horse welfare and protection, we need dedicated advocates like you to join us in this mission. Your voice and involvement will go a long way to ensure your lawmakers understand that horse protection is important to voters.
If you would like to be part of real, lasting change for the equines in your local community and across our nation, please learn more and sign up today!