Brooklyn Bunnies Available for Adoption at St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center

In January 2015, the ASPCA and the NYPD teamed up to rescue and remove nearly 180 rabbits from a neglectful situation in Brooklyn, New York. The rabbits, who were not spayed or neutered, were living in squalid conditions and many were suffering from multiple injuries and illnesses. After the rapid rescue, which took place on two different days, one of which was during a blizzard, the ASPCA examined and helped provide veterinary care for all of the seized bunnies.
St. Hubert’s Animal Welfare Center—the current home of the ASPCA’s Behavioral Rehabilitation Center in Madison, New Jersey—took in 77 of the rescued rabbits and has provided them much-needed care and compassion over the past several months. The bunnies, now happy, healthy and thriving, have recently been spayed or neutered and are now available for adoption.
“We are grateful to St. Hubert’s and other animal welfare organizations for taking in these bunnies rescued by the NYPD,” said Howard Lawrence, Vice President of the ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group. “This gives these vulnerable animals the best chance of moving into the safe and loving homes they deserve.”
If you are interested in adopting one of these sweet bunnies, please visit St. Hubert’s Madison shelter at 575 Woodland Avenue during open hours, Sunday through Tuesday from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM and Wednesday through Saturday from 12:00 PM to 6:00 PM, or call (973)-377-2295 for more information.