Top 10 Breeds Most Likely to Get into Toxins!

Have you ever wondered if certain breeds of dogs and cats are more mischievous than others? Is your dog perhaps predisposed to being a trouble maker and to getting into things he shouldn’t? The ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) wants to get to the bottom of this, so they reviewed their calls from 2016, and noted which breeds they were called about most frequently.
As for dogs who get themselves into trouble, it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that the breed that is renowned for having a hearty appetite is also renowned for attempting to eat a lot of things that they shouldn’t. Labrador Retrievers rank #1 on the list of APCC calls, while mixed-breed dogs rank second.
What may be surprising for some people is that many of the toy breeds like Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers are in the top 10 as well. While they are less likely to chew through an inch of plastic to get to something tasty, they do still enjoy chewing into packages of chocolate and are often underfoot when owners are taking their medications, ready to snap up any dropped pills.
As far as cats are concerned, mixed-breed cats are usually the most common in the number of calls that we get about cats consuming toxins. However, of purebred cats, the perennial favorite and famously curious Siamese tops the APCC call list. Fluffy cats also seem to dominate the top 10, with Maine Coon, Persian, Siberian and Himalayan all making the naughty cat list. Not to be outdone by all of the long-haired cats, the Sphinx with their hairless bodies and dog-like personalities also make an appearance on our lists.
Check out the full list of top dog and cat breeds who are likely to let curious noses get them into trouble:
Top 10 Curious CaninesTop 10 Mischievous Cats
While the above breeds may be the ones APCC receives the most calls about, any pet could find themselves in a precarious situation at some point. That’s why it’s important to always stay up-to-date on any potentially dangerous household products, plants and people foods that could prove to be harmful to your pets.
If you suspect your pet has been exposed to any poisonous substances or ingested anything harmful, contact your veterinarian or call Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) at 888-426-4435 immediately.