Six Reasons to Adopt a Horse

April 9, 2021

Woman with horse

We want to make horse adoption just as commonplace as dog and cat adoption—in our opinion, it’s the smartest way to go about adding a horse to your life! Please read on to learn about the many benefits and advantages to adoption.

(If you’re already convinced that adopting a horse is right for you, go to the head of the class by visiting My Right Horse to browse hundreds of adoptable horses nationwide.)

Noble NicholasNoble Nicholas, available for adoption from Days End Farm Horse Rescue.

1. You get a horse! Forgive us for stating the obvious, but when you adopt a horse you end up with a horse and that’s undoubtedly the best part of adoption! Whether you want to learn to ride and hit the trails with your new equine best friend, or want to bond with your new pal during a long grooming session, adopting a horse will undoubtedly bring joy into your life. There are so many amazing benefits to owning horses, and adoption is a great way to experience them all!

2. You help other horses! You likely already know how important adoption is to improving the lives of vulnerable animals. It’s the same for horses: by adopting a horse, you’re freeing up a stall and resources for the rescue to be able to help the next at-risk horse. Adoption is a sustainable, and lifesaving, way to acquire a horse.

3. You find the Right Match! Making the right match between a horse and their owner is critical for the success and happiness of all involved. Fortunately, adopting a horse is the perfect way to ensure you’re finding the #RightHorse for your needs. The ASPCA’s Right Horse Adoption Partners are experts at matching good people with good horses. They’re transparent about their horse’s personalities, medical history and training, and are genuinely invested in making sure that their adopters and horses are appropriately suited for each other.

4.  You become part of the community! When you adopt from one of ASPCA’s Right Horse Adoption Partners, you enter a community of adopters and passionate horse people. If you’re new to horses, the adoption group will be an invaluable resource if you have questions or need support during your horse-ownership journey. Likewise, many of our partners facilitate community events between adopters so you can quickly meet some like-minded barn buddies.

5. You have support! Similar to the support that the ASPCA’s Right Horse Adoption Partners will provide if you ever have questions, they’ll also assist in rehoming your horse if your life circumstances ever change. Our Adoption Partners provide a life-long safety net for their horses, so if for some reason you’re no longer able to care for your horse, you can rest easy knowing that the rescue will be able to place him into another loving home.

6. Your Right Horse can do it all! Adoptable horses are as versatile as the general horse population. Whether you’ve got blue ribbon ambitions and are an experienced rider looking for a competitive prospect, or are new to caring for horses, you can find your #RightHorse through adoption. Adoptable horses come in every breed, age, experience level and size, ensuring that you’ll be able to find the right horse to fit you and your family’s needs.

Cadabra, a mini muleAdoptable Mini Mule, Cadabra, from Longmeadow Rescue Ranch.

Do we have you convinced and ready to adopt a horse? Great! If you’re ready to learn more about equine adoption and support at-risk horses, visit My Right Horse. There you can browse hundreds of adoptable horses, learn more about the adoption process, and easily share your favorite horses on social media to help connect the right horse to the right person. Plus, access the Horse Illustrated Resource Hub to learn more about horses.