On National Animal Advocacy Day, Raise Your Voice for Animals

April 29, 2019

Woman with horse

Celebrate National Animal Advocacy Day this Tuesday, April 30! Our wonderful supporters (like you!) fight for animals all year long, but now is the perfect opportunity to paws and reflect on how we can make our work together even more meaningful. Check out tips below to find out how you can help animals of all shapes and sizes.


Hoof it for horses: Horse slaughter is a cruel, unnecessary, predatory industry that has no domestic market and threatens human health. The SAFE Act would permanently ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption in the U.S. and end the current export of horses for slaughter. Join advocates from all over the country to take a stand against this unthinkable practice by signing our SAFE Act Citizen Co-sponsor List today. This list will be delivered to important decision makers in Congress in an effort to encourage them to pass this much-needed bill into law once and for all.


Protect the pups: Dogs in most commercial breeding facilities (a.k.a. puppy mills) are subjected to unbelievable suffering, crammed into tiny, wire-floor cages and denied proper veterinary care, food and water. Join the Fight for Love to take a stand against cruelty!

To help end cruel breeding, we must curtail the demand as well as the supply. Unfortunately, most pet stores source their puppies from puppy mills. If you live in New York, support legislation that would make it the third state to prohibit the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores. Together, we can turn the tide in all states.

Commercial breeding isn’t the only form of cruelty to dogs. Please support the HEART Act to help victims of dogfighting find new homes faster.


Care for kittens: Every spring and summer, there’s a massive influx of kittens in shelters. But you can help us turn kitten season in to foster season! We need foster parents to open their homes and hearts to tiny kittens until they are old enough to be adopted. Sign up for our foster programs in New York or Los Angeles to learn more!


Fight for farm animals: Every year billions of animals are raised for food on crowded, inhumane factory farms. But a few simple changes to how you shop can send a strong message to producers that you care about the treatment of cows, pigs, chickens and more. Sign up to Shop With Your Heart and support forward-thinking food companies who are trying to do better.


Volunteer! The ASPCA’s Government Relations team has several engaging and fulfilling volunteer programs, ranging from small commitments to higher leadership roles in communities across the nation. If you’ve been itching to get more directly involved in helping animals by lobbying for stronger animal-protection legislation, check out our volunteer programs!

If you want to get more involved in animal advocacy work but just aren’t sure where you fit best, please contact our Legislative Engagement team—they’d love to hear from you! You can reach this team at [email protected].

Remember, one voice can make a world of difference. Thank you for recommitting to speak up for our four-legged friends, on National Animal Advocacy Day and all year ‘round!