Let’s Make This Congress Count for Animals

January marks the beginning of the 116th U.S. Congress. With a new Congress comes new opportunities for you to help pass laws that improve the lives of animals across the country, including laws to eliminate the slaughter of American horses, improve farm animal welfare, protect dogs in breeding facilities and help victims of animal fighting find loving homes sooner.
If there’s one thing we know, it’s that members of Congress, especially those who are new to office, take their constituents’ concerns very seriously. As your federal representatives and senators get to work, they are looking to you to help them determine their legislative priorities for the coming session.
Your voice as a constituent carries tremendous weight. By simply taking a few minutes to send your legislator an email or place a quick phone call, you can tell your Member of Congress that animal welfare is a top priority of yours—and should be one of theirs.
Whether your Member of Congress is a Democrat, Republican or an Independent, protecting the basic needs of animals is something we all can agree on.
Will you speak up for animals this session? Please send an email to grassroots@aspca.org with your name and address and a member of the ASPCA’s Grassroots team will: 1) provide you with a sample letter to send to your representative, and 2) walk you through all the ways you can help advance animal-protection legislation this session.
Animal-protection laws only pass when legislators hear from you. Thank you for joining us!