Dog-Lovers Rejoice! Friday Is Take Your Dog to Work Day!

Get your dog’s business casual attire ready, because Friday, June 23 is Take Your Dog to Work Day!
If your workplace is participating in this year’s fur-tivities, we hope you’ll consider bringing your four-legged friends along to your 9-to-5. Not only does evidence suggest that businesses that allow pets have happier and healthier employees, your pooch may even encourage your non-pet owning coworkers to adopt a furry friend of their own. Here are some easy tips to help make your dog’s day on the job a big success:
Dog-Proof Your Workspace. Hide loose electrical cords and wires that your pup could be tempted to chew, and stash potentially toxic substances like plants, markers and other office supplies. Dogs love leftovers as much as we do, so be sure to empty your trash can of any remaining crumbs from yesterday’s lunch—and keep your pup distracted from others’ garbage, too!
Good Manners, Please and Thank You! No matter how cute your pet is, constant barking can be distracting to fellow coworkers. Help your pup brush up on his or her manners before heading into the office with these ASPCA training tips.
Come Prepared. Bring your dog’s food, bowl, leash and favorite chew toys and treats to keep him or her occupied during the workday. Consider bringing a baby gate to corner off your dog’s area if you anticipate being away from your pet at any point.
Break Up the Workday. Incorporate a few ten-minute breaks into your day to give your pup some fresh air and exercise, or plan to have lunch with your furry companion at a pet-friendly restaurant or grassy spot outside. If your dog makes canine-buddies easily, get other dog-owning colleagues to come along or head out on a group walk.