Cruelty Shouldn’t Be Celebrated: Help Remember Michael Vick’s Victims

We fight every day to hold animal abusers accountable—no matter who they are. Despite Michael Vick’s indictment for dogfighting, he continues to be honored and celebrated in sports.
Cruelty for profit is one of the most heinous forms of abuse we see, and in 2007 a nationwide dialogue began around dogfighting when Michael Vick was arrested and indicted on animal fighting charges. But still, animal cruelty persists in many forms, and the real victims are often forgotten.
While some may be all right with Vick moving back into the spotlight, we can’t forget about the cruelty that he helped to inflict on innocent animals. Animal abusers must always be held accountable for their crimes, and while Vick paid his dues and served his time, there are still many who mistreat animals.
Help us remember his victims and continue to fight to end barbaric forms of animal cruelty and abuse. Sign our anti-cruelty pledge today to let us know that you won’t stand for any form of animal cruelty any longer and that you know just how important it is to continue to fight for innocent victims of dogfighting, abuse and neglect.