Black Lab Rescued from Dog Fighting: Read Silver's Story

December 4, 2015

In the cruel world of dog fighting, animals are treated as disposable objects. When we first met Silver, a senior Lab/Shepherd mix, he hadn’t been valued enough to be given a name—only a number, 205. The ASPCA rescued Silver from a filthy, wire pen in the middle of a sun-baked yard where dogs were chained and trained to fight, and at the time, his fur was missing in patches and he tested positive for heartworm and tick-borne diseases. He was also underweight and had not had access to fresh food or water.

Silver was one of 367 dogs that the ASPCA helped rescue during the second-largest dog fighting raid in U.S. history. It is believed that Silver belonged to one of the 10 defendants, most of whom are now serving time in federal prison. 

If you saw Silver today, you’d never guess he survived such a traumatic past. Silver’s new family helped him put on weight, build confidence and overcome his fears. His favorite activities include long walks to the park, basking in the sun and chasing ducks near his new family’s lake house with his dog sibling, Buddy.

Unfortunately, countless animals across the country won’t experience love this holiday season. When you make a gift to the ASPCA, you’ll help us rescue homeless and abused animals, paving the way for cruelty victims like Silver to become beloved pets. Please consider making a donation today to help animals in need nationwide.