Edie Falco Urges New York Lawmakers to Protect Community Cats

The New York State legislative session will come to a close on June 17, but there is still an important order of business for it to address—S.1081, ASPCA-supported legislation that will allow a portion of the funds allotted for the Animal Population Control Program (APCP) to be used to fund viable trap-neuter-return (TNR) programs in parts of Upstate New York and Long Island.
Lending her voice to this critical issue is award-winning actress Edie Falco, who was recently honored at the ASPCA Bergh Ball for her work to increase awareness and inspire action on behalf of animals in crisis in the United States. Edie is a lifelong New Yorker with strong ties to the animal welfare community and we’re hoping a direct plea from her will encourage the Senate to take swift action before time runs out! This bill is on the Senate’s floor calendar and is eligible for a vote by the full Senate, but leadership alone decides which bills are allowed to go to a vote.
TNR programs successfully reduce community cat populations, decrease intake and euthanasia at overburdened animal shelters, and protect public health by vaccinating cats against rabies. It is the only humane and effective way to manage these populations. Unfortunately, TNR programs are not eligible for APCP funding, but the New York Senate has the opportunity to ensure these life-saving programs get the funding they need to protect community cats throughout the state. S.1081 already passed the Assembly unanimously with bipartisan support, but the Senate must pass the bill by June 17, when the Legislature adjourns for the year.
Read Edie’s letter to Senate Majority Leader John Flanagan below, and if you live in New York, please follow up by adding your voice to hers! Visit the ASPCA Advocacy Center to quickly and easily contact Senator Flanagan and urge him to bring S.1081 to a vote before the end of this session.