
Brown tabby with white
3 years

Meet Marge! Marge may be shy initially around new people but will quickly transition to being a curious kitty and very affectionate. She does best if you approach her quietly and slowly. Once she feels comfortable, Marge will follow you around, rub against you and nudge your hand to request that you pet her all the time! She is full of kisses once she gets to know you.

Marge is protective of her sister, Doris, who is more shy than her. Marge likes to sleep on Doris and groom her–which is as cute as it sounds! If you give Doris attention, Marge will come running to get in on the action too!

Marge likes to relax on soft blankets and satin fabrics. She also enjoys a heating pad or warm laundry to cuddle on. Her favorite activity, however, is playing with ping pong balls and small soft toys. If Marge isn’t lounging around or playing, she and Doris can often be found exploring and climbing around their foster home.

Marge and Doris would love to be adopted together as they couldn’t imagine life apart. They have not been around other cats while in foster care but may do well in a home with another cat as long as they were introduced slowly. If this dynamic duo sounds like the one for you, please fill out our online adoption survey!


Marge and Doris


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