
Brown Tabby
3 years

Meet Doris! Doris is a little timid but very sweet once she gets to know you. She can be very shy and slightly fearful around new people and will need time to adjust to a new environment. Doris feels safest hiding in small places like her carrier or under a table. Give her time and offer her treats and she will learn to trust and love you!

Doris looks to her more confident sister, Marge, to reassure her that they are safe. As Doris’s “protector”, Marge helps Doris feel more at ease. Oftentimes, Doris will fall asleep being snuggled and groomed by Marge–how cute is that? Once she feels safe, Doris becomes a purring machine!

Doris likes exploring around her foster home, alongside Marge of course. She will jump up on counters to check out what’s there, sniff around and go back to her safe spaces. Doris often prefers attention on her own terms. She is very calm and likes to cuddle with Marge on a heating pad.

Doris and Marge would love to be adopted together as they couldn’t imagine life apart. They have not been around other cats while in foster care but may do well in a home with another cat as long as they were introduced slowly. If this dynamic duo sounds like the one for you, please fill out our online adoption survey!


Doris and Marge

Doris and Marge

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