Horse Slaughter

Federal Spending Package Will Help Protect Animals!

Great news: The U.S. House and Senate both passed the FY2016 Appropriations bill today. The language blocking funding for domestic horse slaughter inspections and addressing lax animal-welfare oversight at the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center—both high-priority issues for the ASPCA—was retained in the final version. The bill was delivered to President Obama, who signed it this afternoon.

This post was originally published on December 16, 2015.

We Need You to Help Us Stop Horse Slaughter Once and For All

We know you’ll agree that horses aren’t food. We don’t raise them so we can eat them, and horses hold a special place in our country’s heritage.  While no horse slaughterhouses currently operate in the United States, the threat of their return looms constantly and few realize that approximately 150,000 American horses are trucked across our borders every year to be brutally slaughtered for food.


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