
Grey/ Black Tabby
10 years

In the words of Avery’s office foster parent, this kitty is truly “a good cat.” Avery enjoys passing the time by relaxing in a cozy nook—especially if it has a soft blanket to curl up on. But, just because he likes a little “me time” doesn’t mean he doesn’t like a little “you time!” Avery can be shy around new people, so approach him slowly and Avery begins to morph into the sweet and social boy he really is. Avery has a few ways he prefers to interact with his people—including rubbing up against their hands or legs to ask for scratches and flopping down on the floor to make you smile! And, Avery is the perfect companion for a day when you’re working from home. You can sometimes find him on the lap of his office foster dad as he gets some work done on his computer. Avery occasionally even gets his paws on the keyboard! Just make sure to have earplugs around to make sure you can focus, as this guy has a very loud and majestic purr that he loves to show off. If you think Avery may be a good fit for you, come meet him today!

