Dear Future Adopter, Love Tulip

Hi there! Are you my new family? I’m so excited to meet you!
I’m Tulip, and just like the flower, I need a little love and patience before I bloom and show off my true colors! I hope you will understand that I need some time to settle into a new home, and I get startled sometimes by noises or movements. But I promise that the wait is worth it! As we get to know each other, I’ll show you how sweet and affectionate I really am inside.
Right now, I’m enjoying the foster kitty life in Los Angeles, and my foster parent has seen me completely transform from shy girl to confident kitty! I’ve found my voice, and we love to chat with each other about our days. I also love playtime, so as soon my people take out a laser pointer or feather wand toy, I am ready to give chase! I have some lovely feline foster siblings as well, and we have a blast playing with each other.
Now that I know what a happy home life can look like, I’m eager to find a home of my own! I may still need some time to warm up in your home, but I know I’ll be seeking out your attention soon enough. Outside of playtime, you can win me over with the help of gentle pets, relaxing brush sessions and a tasty treat or two. I wouldn’t mind having cat siblings again, either!
At the end of a long day and burning off some energy, I love to snooze the rest of the day away! If I’m feeling shy, I might catnap in a quiet hidey spot where I know I’ll be safe and cozy. I also enjoy relaxing by the side of a friend or in a nice, warm sunbeam. When it’s nighttime, I’ll be sure to let you know when I’m ready for bed with some polite meows. I hope you don’t mind if I get under the covers!
I bet you’re ready to adopt me now! I’ll be sure to fill your days with love and lots of playtime, too. All you need to do is visit my profile and apply for me!
Until then, I’ll be dreaming of our new life together!

P.S. When you adopt me, you won’t only be giving me a new home – you’ll also be joining a movement that my ASPCA friends call The Rescue Effect! After I’m adopted, a lifesaving ripple will spread across shelters, opening more space for animals in need to be cared for. Visit aspca.org/TheRescueEffect to learn more about how you can make an impact!

Our friends at ARM & HAMMER™ Cat Litter provided us with this adorable AI-generated portrait of Tulip to show off how cute she is!