Reasonable, Moderate Approach Meets Opposition
Over the course of our century-and-a-half-long commitment to protecting animals, the ASPCA has frequently faced opposition from entities invested in perpetuating industries rooted in systemic animal cruelty. Today, we encounter a new challenge in the form of a campaign funded by those seeking to impede the progress we've achieved in reforming the American food system and improving the lives of billions of animals. Our moderate position on farm animal welfare resonates with most Americans, and that is a serious threat to the status quo. This page offers crucial context on this campaign and aims to debunk the misinformation propagated by special interest groups.
Who is attacking the ASPCA and why?
The ASPCA and other charities are occasionally targeted by special interest lobbying groups representing companies or groups opposed to our work. Now, an organization called the “Center for the Environment & Welfare” (CEW) was announced in 2023 for the sole purpose of opposing farm animal welfare reform efforts led by the ASPCA and other organizations, by creating false narratives about our programs and impact. CEW calls itself a “think tank,” but is the latest front group created by Berman and Company public relations agency with the express purpose of discrediting the ASPCA, and other groups, because of our effectiveness. CEW does not exist to help shelters, animals or the environment. The tactics of Berman and Company have been debunked in numerous media outlets, including The New York Times.
Debunking their falsehoods
Our impact is being purposely presented in a misleading, fact-bending way. One of the most common attacks against the ASPCA is the claim that we don’t operate local organizations or provide significant grant funding to shelters. We are not a grant-making foundation or an umbrella organization. We are very clear that rather than directly operating or funding a network of shelters, our role as a well-established national organization—and as envisioned by our founder, Henry Bergh—is to collaborate with and offer boots-on-the-ground support and training to hundreds of local agencies, including shelters, rescues, clinics and others committed to addressing their communities' needs. This approach enables us to advance animal welfare innovations and respond promptly to animal crises throughout the country.
Under its current leadership, the ASPCA has evolved and expanded its work to bring even greater urgency and impact to tackling the root causes of animal homelessness and suffering. The modern challenges facing animals are wide-ranging and complex, but we tackle these challenges head-on and in innovative ways, including providing vital veterinary care; responding to disasters and animal cruelty; pioneering adoption, more affordable veterinary procedures and behavioral rehabilitation programs; conducting critical animal welfare research; training law enforcement and shelter professionals; and advocating for more effective laws, including for farm animals. We also partner with and support shelters, veterinarians, and others who share our commitment to a safer, more compassionate world for animals.
This is only one of several claims our opponents are making. Please visit our website to access our latest annual report and our most recent IRS Form 990 for a comprehensive and accurate overview of all the facts and our impact.
Explore our programs
Every year, our hands-on work – in addition to our partnerships with local shelters – directly impacts hundreds of thousands of animals, with our lasting solutions benefiting millions more that we cannot serve through local partnerships and grant funding alone. If you have questions about our work, you can read more on About Us, our FAQs, as well as third-party voices such as the Associated Press article about our animal rehabilitation programs and Time magazine's article about the tremendous impact of our relocation program with dozens of shelters across the country.
Here is more information about the work we are doing for farm animals, farmers and consumers and the reasons it is so important.
Our efforts to transform the lives of farm animals continue. We want our supporters and all those who care deeply about animals to understand that we are making progress – and attracting opponents as a result.