No Horse Is Safe

Tens of thousands of American horses continue to be trucked to Canadian and Mexican slaughterhouses annually. 

83% of Americans oppose horse slaughter. ▸

Horse slaughter is not the same as euthanasia. ▸

Nearly 75% of horse owners relinquishing their animals to the ASPCA said they feared rehoming their horse because of the slaughter pipeline.

There are 2.3 million Americans with the interest and resources to adopt an equine. ▸

A broad coalition of equine industry and animal welfare organizations support a permanent ban. ▸

Horse slaughter is a cruel, unnecessary, predatory industry that interferes with legitimate efforts to rehome horses—and there is no domestic market for horse meat.

Lawmakers have a prime opportunity to protect America’s horses by including the SAFE Act in the 2023 Farm Bill.
Until Congress passes a law to permanently ban this cruel practice,
no horse is safe.