
13 years

Looking for a chatty Cathy? If so, you’re absolutely in the right place! Preencess may just be the most talkative kitty we’ve ever seen at the ASPCA Adoption Center—seriously, we can’t emphasize it enough. Before she went out to a comfy foster home, Preencess had the pleasure of living in a staff member’s office. In addition to constantly chatting with whoever walked in, she could often be found staring through the glass walls and meowing at whoever walked by, too! And, if they actually came in the office, they would always be greeted with a big jump down from wherever Preencess was hanging out—alongside a big meow, of course! When her officemates were working, Preencess was happy to curl up in a comfy spot nearby—or, on their lap—sleeping and accepting gentle pets. And, she seems to be a fan of kisses, too! Make a smoochy sound at Preencess when she’s near you, and she’ll headbutt your lips.

Preencess would make a great fit for a family who doesn’t mind a little chatter! Her new family should also know that our veterinarians have diagnosed Preencess with chronic kidney disease, which isn’t uncommon in older kitties. She should be on a special prescription food—but if we’re being honest, she hasn’t been a big fan. So, our veterinarians would be happy to speak with interested adopters about her condition and her food choice—and trust us, they know her well! If you’d like to add Preencess to your castle, please complete our Cat Adoption Survey.

