
9 years

Calling all playtime lovers! Bermuda may just be your man. This handsome boy has been in a foster home for a while, and if there’s one thing that his foster mom has learned about Bermuda, it’s that he loves to play! “Bermuda’s two favorite toys are his wand toys and some catnip balls,” she tells us, “and with the wand toys, he usually likes to come out from under the bed and ambush it. He also likes to grab the wand in his mouth and take it wherever he wants, dragging the stick behind him!” Typically, Bermuda is the type of guy who can be a little shy and prefers attention on his own terms, but the excitement of play always helps him feel more comfortable. In the middle of a game, Bermuda sometimes comes over and rubs against your fingers, asking for gentle pets on his cheeks and under his chin. When he thinks that it isn’t time for scratches, Bermuda is great at letting his people know by politely moving away or giving a little boop with his paw—he’s happy to go nap on the bed, on top of laundry or in a box instead!

Bermuda, “is a big sweetheart, but is still a little shy on affection,”—so adopters should know that he may be a little more timid than some other kitties. He’d do great in a quiet home with a patient adopter who’s excited to help him continue coming out of his shell and understands that it will take him time to show his true colors. We think that small kids would be overwhelming for this old soul, so a home with teens and up would be best. Bermuda does love other cats, however—so if you’ve already got a kitty, sign this guy up! If you’d like to adopt Bermuda, please complete our Cat Adoption Survey.

Bermuda play time

Bermuda on desk