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The ASPCA offers free, high-quality spay/neuter surgeries exclusively for Los Angeles County cats and dogs. ASPCA Mobile Spay/Neuter Clinics are staffed with professionally trained, fully licensed veterinarians and technicians. Our teams follow the practices established by the Association of Shelter Veterinarians. ASPCA Mobile Spay/Neuter Clinics are located in El Monte and South East L.A. (e.g. Maywood, Cudahy, Huntington Park).
Eligibility: Residents of the following zip codes:
90201 | 91731 |
90255 | 91732 |
90270 | 91733 |
During March and April 2024 only, services are extended to residents of the following zip codes:
90220 90247
90221 90248
90222 90746
Due to high demand for our services and limited capacity at our clinics, we will only be able to accommodate residents of the zip codes above. If you live outside of the zip codes in our service area, please refer to the SpayUSA list of spay/neuter clinics near you.
Location: Exact location will be provided via text message prior to appointment.
Hours: - Intake begins at 7:30 A.M. - prepare to wait approximately 1 hour to check in your pet.
- Discharge is same day, typically between 2:00 P.M. - 3:30 P.M. Our staff will tell you what time to return at check in.
Contact: Call 844-MY-ASPCA (692-7722) to inquire about an appointment. Call lines are open Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. PST.
Pricing: All spay/neuter services are fully subsidized if you meet the ASPCA’s eligibility criteria or show proof of Public Assistance.
What to Bring:- Photo identification showing you are 18 years of age or older
- Proof of residence in one of the zip codes serviced by our clinic (this may be a utility bill or other piece of mail)
- Proof of Public Assistance (if applicable)
Additional Services Available:You have the option to receive additional medical services during your pet’s spay/neuter surgery. These services are not provided to animals who are NOT undergoing a spay/neuter surgery.
- Rabies vaccine (If your pet is up to date, please bring vaccine records with you)
- FVRCP vaccine for cats; DA2PPV vaccine for dogs
- Nail trim
- Small tattoo placed close to the incision site to indicate the animal is spayed/neutered
- E-collar (plastic pet cone to prevent your pet from licking their incision)
- Microchip
All animals will be examined by a veterinarian to determine if they appear healthy and can undergo surgery. The ASPCA Spay/Neuter mobile clinics generally accept:
- Healthy dogs and cats between the ages of eight weeks old and nine years old
- Puppies and kittens who are at least eight weeks old and weigh at least two lb.
- Female dogs and cats in heat
- Pregnant cats and dogs, depending on the health of the animal and term of pregnancy
The ASPCA Spay/Neuter Clinic will NOT accept:
- Ferrets, hamsters, rabbits or any species of animal who are not a cat or dog
- Unhealthy animals or those with contagious illnesses (animals should not be coughing or sneezing, and should not have watery eyes, runny noses or any other signs of illness)
- Doberman Pinschers without proof of a normal blood work test for Von Willebrand factor, a blood clotting protein
- Community cats in traps
Certain animals may be accepted on a case-by-case basis, depending on the outcome of the veterinary examination:
- Female dogs and cats who are nursing puppies and kittens (it is ideal to wait to spay a mother until one month after she weans her litter)
- Male animals with only one testicle
- Short-nosed (brachycephalic) breeds, such as Bulldogs, Pugs or Persian cats
The ASPCA encourages Los Angeles County residents to spay/neuter all household cats and dogs. Residents are welcome to schedule an appointment for all cats and dogs living in their household, however, due to high demand for our services, a policy of two pets maximum per household per clinic day may be applied.
- Animals younger than four months old should eat a small meal at about 6:00 A.M. on the morning of surgery
- Animals older than four months should have food removed at midnight prior to surgery
- Always allow your pet access to fresh water; do not withhold water at any time
- Bring cats in safe and secure carriers; only one cat per carrier, if possible
- Bring dogs on leashes
- If you do not have a leash or carrier, please leave your pet in the car and request one from our greeter
Since your pet has had a surgical procedure, they will need specific post-operative care until they have fully healed. Please review the instructions on to help with your pet’s recovery.
Please consult or for information about TNRM in Los Angeles. The ASPCA currently offers free, high-quality spay/neuter for cats and dogs, including community cats, in the City of El Monte living within the 91732 zip code. For more information on the ASPCA’s services in El Monte, visit