It's Dog Bite Prevention Week: Read Our Safety Tips

Although dogs are our best friends, more than 4.5 million people are bitten by canines in the United States every year. Children are the most common victims of dog bites, and at least half of the 800,000 people who receive medical care for dog bites each year are children. To reduce the number of these injuries, adults and children should be educated about bite prevention, and dog owners should practice responsible dog guardianship. May 21-27 is Dog Bite Prevention Week 2017, and we’d like to take this opportunity to share a few ways that you can prevent dog bites from happening in your community.
- Ask first before petting a dog. When meeting an unfamiliar dog, don’t reach out to pet her. First, ask her pet parent, “May I pet your dog?” A strange hand in a dog’s face may scare her, leading to a bite.
- After you receive permission to pet a dog, let her sniff your closed hand. Then, you may proceed to pet her shoulders or chest. Avoid petting the top of the dog’s head.
- Don’t touch a dog who is sleeping, eating or chewing a toy. Respect her space, as startled dogs are more likely to bite.
- Avoid dogs who are barking or growling. It is also best to steer clear of dogs who are loose, behind a fence or tied up.
- If an unknown dog approaches you, stay quiet and still. Do not run or scream.
Please share our handy guide with your friends and family members on your social media networks. For more information, visit aspca.org/dogbiteprevention.