Puppies Left to Perish: The USDA’s Failure to Protect Vulnerable Dogs in Puppy Mills

In May 2024, two employees from the USDA visited Rocky Top K-9s in West Plains, Missouri. The inspectors were there to ensure that Rocky Top, which held a USDA license to breed dogs for more than 10 years, was complying with the law. The USDA counted over 150 dogs that day. One enclosure housed a Boxer and her litter of six puppies. The owner wasn’t sure the age of the puppies, but the USDA estimated they were about 4 weeks old. The enclosure was dirty with “excessive waste and grime” on the floors and caked material along the edges which was “attracting numerous flies.” Four of the puppies appeared lethargic. One puppy had watery, yellow diarrhea and another appeared to be underweight. The dogs were lying on a blanket stained with diarrhea, and the mother dog, called Lindy Lou, was very thin, her ribs visible. Rocky Top had not sought any medical care for Lindy Lou or her pups. The USDA inspector took a photo of Lindy Lou, went over the findings with the owner, submitted the report to their supervisor and left.
Throughout 2024, the USDA documented multiple severe and repeated veterinary issues at Jet Kennels, a puppy mill in Wasola, Missouri. In April 2024, inspectors found four dogs covered in painful, matted fur. The dogs were also suffering from severe, untreated dental disease with swollen and receding gums and teeth covered in tartar. They directed the owner of the puppy mill to have the dogs seen by a veterinarian and treat these conditions. However, when inspectors returned a week later, they found one dog still covered in excess mats and the other dogs still suffering from severe dental disease. Two months later, the USDA conducted another inspection and found two additional dogs whose heads and necks were covered in mats so thick inspectors could not see their eyes or ears. The USDA inspected again in September and found 15 dogs with severe matting and dental disease, including three of the dogs seen in April who were once again covered in mats. The USDA did not take any action against the owner and instead allowed her to voluntarily cancel her own license, dumping the problem and her 100 dogs on the state.
The USDA’s job is to ensure individuals and businesses that breed, sell or exhibit, research or transport animals for profit are providing humane care as required by federal law. This includes dogs in puppy mills.
Each year, the ASPCA reviews thousands of USDA inspection and enforcement records. The reports paint a picture of what “USDA licensed” looks like — what the USDA is doing and not doing to prevent and address issues that harm dogs in puppy mills.
Our reporting shows the USDA documented over 800 instances where licensed dog dealers failed to meet the minimum standards of care required by the law in 2024. The overwhelming response of USDA inspectors was to do nothing.
The USDA saw over 200,000 dogs in licensed commercial facilities last year. Many of these dogs were suffering in the hands of cruel breeders as a result of failure or unwillingness to provide appropriate care. No dog deserves to live this way. Please read our full report [PDF] and take action today by joining our Puppy Mill Action Team.