Make a Difference for Pets in Need during “Adopt a Shelter Dog Month”

For millions of dogs, there’s something special about the month of October. No, it’s not holiday sweaters or Halloween treats—it’s the promise of a better life. You see, October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month, which means it’s the perfect opportunity to help homeless animals in shelters all across America find loving, happy homes.
Here are just some of the many ways you can help us celebrate this important time of year:
Adopt. If you are ready to open your heart and home to an animal in need, please consider adopting a pet today. At the ASPCA Adoption Center in New York City, there are many adorable, adoptable animals waiting to meet you right now—and if you’re not in the New York area, you can use our handy shelter database tool to find adoptable pets in your area.
Fundraise. What better way to celebrate your love of dogs than to host a fundraiser in their honor? Join us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for 31 Days of Rescue Dogs! All you have to do is post one photo a day of your favorite rescue dog for 31 days on your favorite social media channel using the hashtag #31DaysOfRescueDogs. Ask your friends and followers to donate $1 a day to your Team ASPCA fundraiser page in exchange for 31 days of adorable doggie photos. Just $31 can help provide food, shelter and the chance at a loving home for a dog in need.
Also, anyone who donates to your campaign in the month of October will receive a dedicated Adopt a Shelter Dog Month temporary tattoo—and as an additional thank you, we will send you a Team ASPCA tote bag when you raise $250 or more! Visit Team ASPCA to get started today.
Plus, your dog’s photo can be featured on Animal Planet! Submit your favorite photos here and they could be displayed during the special all-day marathon of Pit Bulls and Parolees on October 22 starting at 7 A.M.
Give. We understand that not everyone can adopt a dog this October, but the good news is that you can still help find loving homes for pets in need by making a gift to the ASPCA today. Your generous contribution will help support our rescues, grants and adoption programs, and will help us get so many more animals off the streets and out of harm’s way. To help us save lives during Adopt a Shelter Dog Month and all year long, please consider making a gift to the ASPCA today.