This Cat Is as Cute as a Dumpling – Meet Momo!

June 28, 2024


When you adopt a cat like Momo, you won’t just be making a lifelong friend  you’ll also be joining a profound movement we call The Rescue Effect! By adopting a new pet, a ripple of change is felt across shelters, opening space for more animals to get the care they desperately need. Visit to learn more about how you can make an impact!

This adorable cat has it all! Momo is beautiful, exceptionally smart, affectionate and playful, too. Momo came to us in Los Angeles as a young mama cat along with her nursing kittens. Now that the little ones have all been adopted, it’s her turn to find a loving home!

At first, Momo takes some time to warm up to new friends, but once she knows you better and invites you to her inner circle, you’ll have a furry friend for life! She comes to you expertly when called and loves getting quality pets. She enjoys parading around the house with her favorite stuffed toys, and she might even play fetch with you sometimes! Momo adores her toys, and she would love to have a nice collection of her own one day. Will you be the one to help make her dreams come true?


Momo is quirky, endearing and knows what she likes in life! When you meet her on her terms, she'll be the best feline companion you could ask for. When you’re getting ready for the day, she will sit with you and insist that she should get a turn with the makeup brush! In the afternoon, you’ll find her taking a catnap in a sunbeam, enjoying the breeze. Her evening routine starts with a good play session, followed by brushing and a nice dinner.

Momo’s ideal home would have a few things to ensure she’s a happy kitty. Vertical scratch pads are a must, so that she can scratch and take a good stretch on. Regular play sessions with her toys help to ensure she’s burned off her energy and is on her best kitty behavior. Momo also does best with a clean litter box with clumping litter that is scooped a few times a day. Two litter boxes kept in quiet, easily accessible areas of the home would be ideal.

Have you been looking for a paw-fectly unique cat in the Los Angeles area? Visit Momo’s profile to learn more and submit an application!
