ASPCA Provides Animal Cruelty Investigations Training for NYPD

January 26, 2015

ASPCA Provides Animal Cruelty Investigations Training for NYPD

When the ASPCA announced our groundbreaking partnership with the New York City Police Department (NYPD), we vowed to provide critical expert knowledge and services to aid law enforcement in the investigation and prosecution of animal cruelty. After the partnership’s hugely successful first year, we kicked off 2015 with an NYPD Animal Cruelty Investigations training course on Saturday, January 17.

Approximately 250 detectives, investigator supervisors and precinct special operations lieutenants gathered at the Police Academy in College Point, New York, to hear from our expert staff about topics including animal cruelty laws, forensic investigation, hoarding, blood sports and more.  The day began at 7:00 A.M. with introductions from Sergeant Barbara A. Thomas of the NYPD’s Animal Cruelty Investigation Squad (ACIS) and the ASPCA’s Howard Lawrence, Senior Director of Operations, ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group.

This training is part of an ongoing series meant to educate NYPD officers on key issues related to their expanded role and the resources the ASPCA provides for them. This was the second such training so far; the first was held in October 2014. The ASPCA will conduct additional trainings throughout the coming year with a cross section of relevant NYPD and NY City departments.
