Advocacy Meetings Empower Ohioans to Stop Bad Bill

October 24, 2016

Advocacy Meetings Empower Ohioans to Stop Bad Bill

The ASPCA works every day to help pass life-saving animal welfare legislation, but we can’t succeed in this work without the help of dedicated advocates who speak up to produce positive results for animals.

Our advocates on the ground are among our first lines of offense in the fight for stronger local, state and federal protections for animals, and we often call on them when we need the special, local touch they can provide. Their voices can help make all the difference between a bill’s success or failure.

That’s why the ASPCA’s Vicki Deisner, State Legislative Director for the Midwestern Region, and Audrey Perdue, Senior Manager of Legislative Engagement, turned to our Buckeye State animal-lovers last week to ask for their help in stopping a dangerous bill threatening to prop up the puppy mill industry in Ohio. The bill, which is currently pending in the state legislature, will walk back local bans on the sale of puppy mill puppies and pave the way for an influx of these vulnerable dogs into the state’s pet stores.

Throughout the week, more than 80 advocates from across Ohio gathered for a series of advocacy meetings in Columbus, Cincinnati and Cleveland, or joined us online for our live webinar, to learn from ASPCA experts what they can do to help stop this devastating bill from moving forward.

The ASPCA holds these special meetings throughout the year to share best practices with advocates and provide them with concrete actions they can take right from their homes to 1) secure their legislators’ support or opposition to a bill, and 2) encourage their friends and neighbors to speak up for animals, too.

"Local advocacy meetings like this one are so important,” said Columbus animal advocate Sarah Robles. "Being in a room filled with people who are so interested, capable and committed to animals is very empowering. It makes me feel stronger. It helps to show me that all of us together really do have a strong voice."

We won’t know the outcome of the puppy mill bill until the Ohio House of Representatives votes on it when it reconvenes in early November. It’s going to be an uphill battle, but the ASPCA feels strongly that with the help of its grassroots volunteers, we can halt this attack on cities that have opted to reject puppy mills. Stay tuned!

You don’t have to live in Ohio to get involved—we need advocates in all 50 states who want to make a big difference for animals in their community and across the country. Visit and sign up to receive exclusive invitations to meetings and events in your state, or to join one of our hands-on advocacy volunteer programs.

We can’t do this important work without you!