5 Things You Need to Know About Plant-Based Eating

July 26, 2017

woman next to vegetable display

As part of the ASPCA’s Shop With Your Heart program, we like to keep you informed about the more humane alternatives to factory-farmed food products, including animal welfare-certified and plant-based options. Here are a few important things to know about plant-based eating:

It Saves Lives
By eating more plant-based foods, we reduce demand for factory-farmed products. Simply giving up meat one day a week for a year would spare 28 animals, and it sends a signal to the industry that consumers care about animal welfare.

It’s Not All or Nothing
Whether you practice Meatless Mondays, eat Vegan Before 6 P.M. or are just trying to incorporate more plant-based meals into your general diet, you’re making a difference for farm animals.

You Really Can Get Your Protein
All plant-based eaters have heard the question “But where do you get your protein?” And the answer is: all over! Veggies, legumes, grains and nuts are all great sources of protein.

It’s More Than Tofu
Today’s plant-based meat and dairy alternatives—from burgers to ice cream—are made using a variety of different bases, including mushrooms, peas, grains and coconut. And they taste better than ever!

They’re Everywhere!
Check out this list of widely available plant-based brands. If you’re having trouble finding certain products, use our Shop With Your Heart Supermarket Request Letter to ask your local store to carry them.

Explore how your food choices can help farm animals by taking the Shop With Your Heart pledge at aspca.org/ShopWithYourHeart. Encourage your friends and family to make the swap by sharing this image of easy plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy on social media.

humane eating infographic