10 Animal-Themed New Year’s Resolutions You’ll Be Happy to Make in 2019

Every January, as we celebrate another year having passed, we set ourselves up with lofty goals and ambitions to kick off the year ahead. But let’s be honest: many of us (including a few of us here at the ASPCA) earnestly make these resolutions, like to lose weight or pick up a new skill, only to let them fall to the wayside before the end of the month.
So this year, we’re mixing things up with our top 10 New Year’s resolutions designed for animal lovers like you! And we’re hoping that with the resolutions below, you’ll have your friends looking at you like you’re #goals.
1. Socialize more.

Many of us know the pains of “winter blues,” and it’s often hard to climb out of our Netflix® nooks and stay social. By volunteering at a local shelter, you can socialize with adorable, adoptable animals who could greatly benefit from the company and enrichment.
2. Up your social media game.

What better way to capture more followers than to post more pictures of adorable animals? You can help promote animal-friendly bills in your area, make your selfie game stronger by including a fido or two, or share photos and profiles of local adoptable animals to help them find loving homes faster! Either way, your followers will thank you for all the snoots, tails and furry faces.
3. Get fit and stay active.

It’s no secret that most dogs like to stay active—use this to your advantage! If you commit every January to losing weight or getting in shape but can’t seem to make it stick, use your four-legged friend as a motivator or unofficial coach. Running or walking with your pet has a ton of health benefits, and your pets will love it. If you don’t have a pet of your own, call your local shelter and ask if they have walking hours for their adoptable dogs. Make some new furry friends and keep your exercise goals moving!
4. Learn a skill or pick up a new hobby.

Get crafty in 2019! Try some new baking recipes for your pet and impress them with homemade treats. Or, you can use everyday household items to create new toys, bedding and treat dispensers.Even if you aren’t gifting these things to your own furry friend, most shelters and rescues accept donations.
5. Open yourself up to new possibilities.

Leave your old hang-ups at the door this year and open yourself up to new possibilities and experiences. Maybe this year you’ll consider inviting some small, furry friends to come stay with you through kitten fostering! Changes and new experiences are a lot less scary when they involve tiny little fluff-balls.
6. Get involved.

It’s no secret that politics is a main topic of discussion these days. Now is the perfect time to get involved, get educated on the issues facing America’s animals and help us as we fight to protect them through meaningful legislation, regulations and public policy. Please join the ASPCA Advocacy Brigade to get started today!
7. Spend time with family and friends.

Volunteering together is a great way to bond with family and friends. If you already volunteer with your local animal shelter or rescue, encourage your loved ones to come along. Or try organizing a fundraiser, either through Facebook® or in your community, where you can engage with animal lovers like yourself and make a difference for animals in need.
8. Eat better and feel better.

Consider incorporating more plant-based meals into your diet this year, or maybe just commit to making a few changes to your usual grocery list with animal welfare in mind. By learning what different food labels really mean and Shopping With Your Heart for more humanely produced items, you can help reduce the suffering of farm animals nationwide.
9. Save more money.

When you choose activities like staying in with your pet for a Friday night movie sesh over going out for dinner, drinks and a movie, or volunteering on a Saturday afternoon instead of brunching with your friends, your bank account will thank you. You’ll save money and feel good about your choices!
10. Open your heart.

Whatever you choose to do, and however you choose to spend your new year, we hope that you will keep your heart open and continue to show everyone what’s most important—love, compassion and kindness. Maybe you are looking to adopt, or maybe you just want to give back. Even the smallest acts can make a world of difference.
Wishing you all a furtastic, tail-wagging 2019.
If you’re interested in volunteering with a local shelter or rescue, you can use our database to find one near you today!