This Disaster Preparedness Month, Take Three Actions to Protect Your Pets

September 2, 2016

Disaster can strike at any time, so it’s important to be prepared to take action at a moment’s notice. But have you considered what to do with your pet? September is Disaster Preparedness Month, and we’re taking this opportunity to make sure that pet parents are ready to respond if necessary.

Here are three ways to make sure your family is prepared to handle any emergency:

  1. Sign our pledge to plan for your pet's safety and receive a free pet safety decal.
  2. Download the ASPCA app for a full checklist and essential tips to make sure you know what to do before, during, and after a disaster.
  3. Share the below disaster preparedness infographic with your family and friends to ensure that every pet parent you know will have an emergency plan in place.

This Disaster Preparedness Month, Take Three Actions to Protect Your Pets

Thank you for taking these important steps to protect your pets if disaster strikes!