
3 years
47 lb.

Meet Lindy! This girl is full of love and wiggles for everyone she meets!

Lindy is an energetic dog who would do great with an active adopter, but when it is time to settle down, she does relax comfortably. Lindy enjoys going on walks and getting to sniff everything along the way. She loves meeting new people and will lean in closer for pets. She's certainly a confident and curious girl!

When meeting other dogs, Lindy has not shown much interest in them. She does walk comfortably next to other dogs on leash, but when in play yards, she isn't a fan of mingling and socializing. If there are any potential canine siblings, she will need a meet-and-greet to make sure she would like to become friends and do well with them in the home. 

If you think Lindy might be your match and you’d like to schedule a meet-and-greet, please fill out her adoption application!
