The ASPCA Applauds the US House of Representatives for Passing H.R. 5566, "Crush Video" Legislation
NEW YORK—The ASPCA® (The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals®) is pleased that the United States House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly 416 – 3 to approve H.R. 5566, legislation that would ban the sale and distribution of videos depicting animal cruelty.
Dr. Randall Lockwood, Senior Vice President of ASPCA Forensic Sciences and Anti-Cruelty Projects, who helped draft an amicus brief on this case and was present during the arguments last October, issued the following statement on the passage of H.R. 5566 “Crush Video” Legislation:
“By passing H.R. 5566, the United States House of Representatives is helping to protect the community from heartless individuals seeking to make a profit from torturing helpless animals.
“The ban would include obscene ‘crush videos,’ which are sexual fetish videos that generally depict a woman’s feet crushing to death small animals such as rodents and kittens. This vote is a vital step in moving this important bill forward, and it now must be passed by the Senate. The acts depicted in these videos are offensive, and the ASPCA is urging voters to contact their Senators to voice support for this important legislation.”
H.R. 5566 was drafted in response to the US Supreme Court's recent decision in a "crush video" case, and seeks to narrow the definition of these videos so their distribution will be prohibited. Hunting, fishing, and trapping videos are exempt from this legislation, along with videos depicting customary veterinary and animal husbandry practices.
For more information on H.R. 5566, please visit