Recognizing and Reporting Animal Abuse and Neglect

If you think someone you know is abusing animals, please speak up. The best thing you can do is report your suspicions of abuse or neglect to the appropriate enforcement authorities in your location. Read on for more information about how to recognize and report animal abuse and neglect in your area.


Where to Report Animal Cruelty

In New York City
If you live in New York City and want to report suspected animal abuse or neglect, please contact 311 or for crimes in progress, call 911.

In Other Areas
For other areas outside of New York City, if you witness a crime in progress, call 911. If you suspect someone is abusing or neglecting animals, contact the agency responsible for enforcing the animal-related laws where you believe the abuse to be occurring. That may be the local police, animal control, SPCA or other local humane organization. If you are unsure who to contact, you can contact your local police or animal control to find out, or you can refer to other online resources, such as

How to Recognize Animal Cruelty

A finding of animal cruelty is ultimately a legal determination and depends on the laws where you live. However, animal cruelty generally falls into two types of categories: intentional acts of harm inflicted upon an animal, and acts of neglect, such as failing to provide an animal with necessary food, water, shelter or veterinary care. Ultimately, determining whether someone committed an act of cruelty against an animal depends upon a complete investigation by the appropriate authorities.

The below physical and environmental conditions can raise concerns of animal cruelty. 

Other Animal Cruelty Issues

puppies behind fence