
Brown Brindle
Chinese Shar-Pei/Pit Bull Terrier
Big fan of: Exploring! Omar is an independent dog who is very interested in exploring the world around him. He is very affectionate with his friends and loves to play with toys!
Not a fan of: Loud noises and sudden movements make Omar nervous. He is eager to discover the sights and sounds of the big city, but will need some help getting used to his new environment.
Special features: Omar knows how to sit! He is looking forward to making new dog friends but it may take him some time to learn how. Our Behavior team can give you a few tips to help introduce Omar to other dogs. Guidance and supervision will help Omar learn to only use the bathroom outside.
Dream home: Omar gets along well with children, and would love to join a home with an experienced adopter, and kids 5-and-up. He should meet them first at the Adoption Center.
If you’re interested: Please call our Adoption Center in New York City at (212) 876-7700, ext. 4120.