No Pet Store Puppies Day Is July 21! Help Us Raise Awareness for Puppy Mill Dogs

On Tuesday, July 21, the ASPCA will be celebrating national No Pet Store Puppies Day, and we're asking for your help! This is a great chance to educate your friends and family about what happens in puppy mills and remind them not to buy puppies, or any pet supplies, from pet stores that sell puppies—and adopt from a shelter or rescue group instead!
Puppy mill cruelty is a national problem. Tens of thousands of breeding dogs spend their lives in puppy mills, large-scale commercial breeding operations where profit is given priority over the well-being of the dogs. Dogs in these facilities are typically housed in tiny, overcrowded cages in unsanitary conditions, without proper veterinary care of adequate access to food and water—and many live out their entire lives without ever experiencing human affection. Female breeding dogs are bred at every opportunity with little to no time between litters for their bodies to recover, in order to produce as many puppies as possible and generate more profit for the mills.
What’s more, their offspring may suffer from behavior, congenital and hereditary problems as a result of irresponsible breeding practices. Puppies are typically sold to pet shops as young as eight weeks of age. Since most pet store puppies come from puppy mills, this cruelty is perpetuated every time a puppy is purchased from a pet store.
The ASPCA estimates that there are between 6,000 and 10,000 commercial breeding facilities in the United States—and we refuse to rest until every single mill dog is safe.
If you’re ready to stand with us against puppy mills, here are a few ways you can raise awareness and help puppy mill dogs right now.
Check out our revamped No Pet Store Puppies website. Visit NoPetStorePuppies.com to find out if your state regulates commercial breeders and how you can help end the cruelty. Sign the pledge that you won’t buy anything from pet stores that sell puppies—and tell everyone you know not to shop at those stores, either!
Spread the word. Watch the video below to meet Molly and her faithful pup, Joey, and learn why you shouldn’t shop at pet stores that sell puppies. Then share it with your friends and family on all your social media channels.
Make a donation today. We believe that no dog should suffer for profit, and we are making progress toward ending the abuse, but we can’t do it alone. You can help the ASPCA continue our fight against puppy mills, and all animal suffering, by making a donation today.
Puppy mill dogs are counting on us. Thank you for your support on Tuesday and every day!