The ASPCA Teams Up With 9Lives to Feed Cats in Need Nationwide

The ASPCA and 9Lives® brand cat food have teamed up again to help feed hungry cats across the nation!
As part of their year-long Live Well & Prospurr campaign, 9Lives and Morris the Cat are on a mission to donate one million bowls* of cat food to the ASPCA—all of which will be distributed to non-profit organizations through the ASPCA Grants program.
The Live Well & Prospurr site, featuring Morris the Cat, is an online content hub dedicated to helping people look to their cats for inspiration. This year-long interactive campaign is rooted in universal cat behaviors (hanging out, playing, eating, sleeping and grooming) and is designed to teach cat parents how to "live well". Visitors can share how their cats remind them to “live well” and enter for a chance to win prizes. One bowl of dry cat food will be donated for every Tweet with the hashtag #Morrisfeeds, as well as for every entry during the qualifying Play and Groom promotions.
You can learn more about the Live Well & Prospurr campaign and help feed hungry kitties at prospurr.9Lives.com.
* One bowl of dry cat food = 1 cup; One million bowls = 205,200 lbs